Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 26, 2014

Today I ate perfectly, yay :) Josh got home from work early enough that I ran during the daylight (crazy haha).It was still only 21 degrees (come on spring, what the heck?!). I tried out my brooks pure drifts since this was a short run, 4 miles. Big mistake. I tried them in December and didn't really like them, and I still don't. For one thing there are too big. my foot kept sliding foreward until my toes rubbed on the front of the shoe. I ended up with a sore toe nail and sore knees and weird calf pain only durning the run. But I still ran it in 40 minutes (not bad considering I hobbled for the last mile). Then I went to zumba... 54 ladies crammed into a tiny room. It was fun and yet awful. It's so hard to dance and actually be able to move when you are concentrating so hard on not bumping into people or kicking the table. But, Nikki text me to ask if I would be there because she has vertigo. And, that sucks more. I can't imagine trying to do the moves with vertigo, I was just waiting for her to pass out. My cousin Shelby was there, which was exciting! I hope she comes again because she has been starting running and is at 2 miles now, and I know zumba really helped with my stamina in running. Plus it's just fun :)

78.4 miles so far in March
181.77 miles this year (can I reach 1000?)

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