Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

3.14 miler
35 degrees! Nice and easy 3 miler, finishing in 31 minutes. Not a PR by far, but, a nice solid run. I randomly had some pain in my right knee at about mile 2.5 that I didn't even notice until I stopped to take a layer off my top. Overall it was a nice run, I ran w/o music and just had a good time.

General Health
-mild back pain, some pain while sitting and while bending and picking things up
-8 hours of sleep with some interruptions

Larabar - apple pie
1 hard boiled egg w/celtic sea salt and cracked black pepper
1 cup veranda coffee - black


organic salsa
organic tortilla chips
roasted red pepper hummus
3 fun sized musketeers bars
1/2 chocolate milk


I made quick hummus salad featured in this month's Runner's World magizine and it was AMAZING!! So yummy, and had all the fuel you need!

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