Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25, 2014

And, this is why I am horrible at blogging and keeping a diary. I just can't keep up with it! Anyway, I was sick the day before the 5k race and still did the race but felt yucky after. Just as I got over the tummy sickness, I got a horrible cold, complete with watery itchy eyes, sneezing, congestion etc. So I didn't run for A WHOLE WEEK! Yeah, not good. Sunday I was going to do 13 but hit the wall hard at 8, probably because I had been sick and finally gave up at mile 10. Yesterday (Monday) I did six, making up for teh 3 I missed even though I know it's not the same thing. Tonight I have 9 planned. If I don't miss any more runs I will still hit over 100 miles this week. One good thing, the weather is finally warming up, hopefully, for good. It is 31 degrees today but should be even warmer tomorrow and the rest of the week.

9 miles complete, it took a lot longer than it should have 1:44 but it was that lovely first day of the month (sorry for the TMI but it definitely plays a role in how women feel and preform while running). I did run to my brother's house in the dark and pop up in his window beside the TV he was watching bahahahahahaha! You see, I got a hat with/LED lights in the brim and had to try them out and the safest rather close place I could run to in the dark was his house because it only constitues running about 1/2 mile total in the dark. I didn't scare them that bad, he said my neon green shirt gave me away, but, it still felt awesome haha!

74.8 miles so far this month! So close to that 100 mile goal!

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