Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13, 2014

Ragnar Relay here we come! Kristine and I managed to pull together 12 people quite a bit easier than we anticipated. We may even end up with enough people for 2 teams. I am so excited to do this, but, I didn't realized that we have to have a vest for every person, 4 headlamps, and 4 strobe lights, and that we have to provide transportation. I thought the vans were included. So, if we end up with only 1 team then we will be ok since my mom and I both drive Suburbans, but if we get 2 teams we will be looking to borrow a vehicle, renting is expensive. I'm hoping this is so much fun that we can do it every year!

peanut butter on a spoon with dark chocolate chips

2 southwest veggie burgers w/munster cheese, raw onion, and salsa

yogurt with grapes and granola
1 cup coffee black

General health

-little or no back pain (and I was worried because I twinged my back last night at zumba)
-a little sleepy

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