Friday, March 28, 2014

Mar 28, 2014 Determination

So I got a clothing magazine in the mail from one of my new favorite stores Athleta. I was browsing through it when a picture caught my eye. This woman had the most amazing body ever. Just perfect. She had muscled abs a 6 pack but not too cut to make it look hard and I want. So that's my new goal. Abs. Great movtivation to get serious about weight loss again. So I weighed in this morning at 148... thanks pizza grrrr! But I went for a 3 mile run this morning and did my hills. It was snowing/raining and windy but it felt great. Hoping to do some zumba tonight!! Now I know why people run in the am, I have been bouncing off the walls since my run! No coffee needed that's why I only had 1/4 cup lol.

-2 clementines
-quick hummus salad, small serving
- 1/4 cup coffee
-2 apple cookies (this was before I saw the ab picture!!)

-chips and salsa (thanks Kristine)
-banana chips

blueberry pommegrante greek yogurt

81.58 March Miles
184.96 2014 Miles

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