Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11, 2014

Monthly Miles: 41.77

It was the nicest day of 2014, perfect weather for running!!!

6.25 morning miler
The little baby I babysit was sick today and so I decided to take my little buddy out to try and knock out a longer morning run. It is a beautiful and sunny 40 degrees. Great day to run. The run went really well, but, it took a lot of extra effort and time to push him around. We did 6.25 miles before he really REALLY wanted to stop. I was hoping to get 8-10 miles in because I want to finish off 16 today since it didn't work out Sunday. But, I'm happy with the 6.25, and so very happy about running in the daylight and sunshine! My hamstrings definitely took a beating with the extra weight, but, I made sure to use my foam roller after, and will do so again this afternoon.

9.76 miler
Yay! I managed to get in all 16 miles today! I felt great for the first 6 miles and then started to feel it in my hamstrings and back on the hills especially. Toward the end I did have pain in my right knee, but not the worst. I had to come back home with 2 miles left to threaten my older children with their lives to get them to stay in bed. That was at 9:30 pm, they will be tired today!

1/2 cup black coffee
1 Larabar

3 musketeers fun size
tortilla chips and salsa
(larabar during my run)

quick hummus salad! I could eat this for every meal, it reminds me of summer picnics :)

quick hummus salad

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