Friday, March 28, 2014

Mar 28, 2014 Determination

So I got a clothing magazine in the mail from one of my new favorite stores Athleta. I was browsing through it when a picture caught my eye. This woman had the most amazing body ever. Just perfect. She had muscled abs a 6 pack but not too cut to make it look hard and I want. So that's my new goal. Abs. Great movtivation to get serious about weight loss again. So I weighed in this morning at 148... thanks pizza grrrr! But I went for a 3 mile run this morning and did my hills. It was snowing/raining and windy but it felt great. Hoping to do some zumba tonight!! Now I know why people run in the am, I have been bouncing off the walls since my run! No coffee needed that's why I only had 1/4 cup lol.

-2 clementines
-quick hummus salad, small serving
- 1/4 cup coffee
-2 apple cookies (this was before I saw the ab picture!!)

-chips and salsa (thanks Kristine)
-banana chips

blueberry pommegrante greek yogurt

81.58 March Miles
184.96 2014 Miles

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27, 2014

Yep, my knees still hurt a lot. I am blaming the pure drifts and the face that I haven't been running in minimalist shoes very often, just my pure drifts but they aren't as minimalist as these. And this morning I'm tired and cranky, and so are the kids... yay!

So I decided to move my hill day until tomorrow since my knees are bothering me. We had a birthday party tonight for our nephew and Josh and I ate a gluten free pizza from Little Italy, yummy!!!

March 26, 2014

Today I ate perfectly, yay :) Josh got home from work early enough that I ran during the daylight (crazy haha).It was still only 21 degrees (come on spring, what the heck?!). I tried out my brooks pure drifts since this was a short run, 4 miles. Big mistake. I tried them in December and didn't really like them, and I still don't. For one thing there are too big. my foot kept sliding foreward until my toes rubbed on the front of the shoe. I ended up with a sore toe nail and sore knees and weird calf pain only durning the run. But I still ran it in 40 minutes (not bad considering I hobbled for the last mile). Then I went to zumba... 54 ladies crammed into a tiny room. It was fun and yet awful. It's so hard to dance and actually be able to move when you are concentrating so hard on not bumping into people or kicking the table. But, Nikki text me to ask if I would be there because she has vertigo. And, that sucks more. I can't imagine trying to do the moves with vertigo, I was just waiting for her to pass out. My cousin Shelby was there, which was exciting! I hope she comes again because she has been starting running and is at 2 miles now, and I know zumba really helped with my stamina in running. Plus it's just fun :)

78.4 miles so far in March
181.77 miles this year (can I reach 1000?)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25, 2014

And, this is why I am horrible at blogging and keeping a diary. I just can't keep up with it! Anyway, I was sick the day before the 5k race and still did the race but felt yucky after. Just as I got over the tummy sickness, I got a horrible cold, complete with watery itchy eyes, sneezing, congestion etc. So I didn't run for A WHOLE WEEK! Yeah, not good. Sunday I was going to do 13 but hit the wall hard at 8, probably because I had been sick and finally gave up at mile 10. Yesterday (Monday) I did six, making up for teh 3 I missed even though I know it's not the same thing. Tonight I have 9 planned. If I don't miss any more runs I will still hit over 100 miles this week. One good thing, the weather is finally warming up, hopefully, for good. It is 31 degrees today but should be even warmer tomorrow and the rest of the week.

9 miles complete, it took a lot longer than it should have 1:44 but it was that lovely first day of the month (sorry for the TMI but it definitely plays a role in how women feel and preform while running). I did run to my brother's house in the dark and pop up in his window beside the TV he was watching bahahahahahaha! You see, I got a hat with/LED lights in the brim and had to try them out and the safest rather close place I could run to in the dark was his house because it only constitues running about 1/2 mile total in the dark. I didn't scare them that bad, he said my neon green shirt gave me away, but, it still felt awesome haha!

74.8 miles so far this month! So close to that 100 mile goal!

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17, 2014

1 cup coffee

tortilla chips w/a little cheese and some salsa
cucumber salad w/cherry tomatoes, feta, and a dressing

chocolate peanut butter ice cream 1 serving

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16, 2014

40 Minute Tempo
yeah this was one slow tempo haha, I mamaged about 3.6 miles but I did a very slow 10 minute warm up where I didn't hit a mile and a very slow cool down 10 minutes where my phone shut off so I don't think it was even 10 minutes. It was in the negatives outside again BRRRRRRR!! I always run so slow when it's that cold, but, I made sure I was running fast enough that I couldn't speak in conversation, it would have been very broken words, and there were a couple good hills in there to make up for it being a slow tempo. I was originially going to do a 17 miler but I didn't want to skip the speed work, and I still didn't feel 100% and it's freaking cold so I pushed it back and instead am making up for the days I missed. So the long run will fall on wednesday or tuesday if it's warmer. That way I can do the 2 8 milers that I missed while sick.

General Health
a bit sluggish, still getting over the sickness and yeahhhh the girl scout cookies aren't helping, but that box is gone so no more for me!


girl scout cookies
tortilla chips w/ salsa
raw broccoli
sliced cheese (I have no idea the kind, white something haha)
espresso ice cream

gluten free pasta w/mozzerella, and marinara sauce
salad w/cranberries, walnuts, almonds, and apple cider vinegar dressing

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 15, 2014

I don't think I mentioned copying Kristine's 12 months of racing idea, but I am, and today was March's race. She and I did the Orebred Sugar Shack 5k in Dekalb. Only 3 people, including us, showed up. I felt pretty bad for the people who organized it, that can't be a good feeling. Although, it does make me glad that we went. So we had a wet (it's warm 33 degrees and slushy and snowing) 3.1 miles. The road makes for some nice short and steep hills and it was a dirt road. It was a slow 35 minutes, but we chatted the whole time and had fun. I still felt off from being sick, gassy and had a good side stitch going on. I'd actually like to go back and run there sometime this year once it isn't so wet out. The sugar shack had a ton of things for sale, I was surprised. Lots of syrup, candies and other treats. I will try and remember to head back out there soon. We got these sweet t-shirts too!

I know I just offically started this 12 months of racing, but, I just ran a race a couple weeks ago in Ogdensburg, The Lion's Club Polar Bear 5k. I came in 2nd place female and 4th place overall not bad. Ran that one in 27 minutes :) Here is the shirt from that race!

Now, it's been a couple days since I've blogged because I have been sick with a little bug. I was throwing up in the night and then just felt crappy and so I haven't ran. But here is the rest of today's run down.

Today's diet... embarassing. Tomorrow is a new day right?

girls scout cookies... yeah so good and yet so bad

yogurt with granola
1/4 cup coffee

pizza logs w/sauce

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13, 2014

Ragnar Relay here we come! Kristine and I managed to pull together 12 people quite a bit easier than we anticipated. We may even end up with enough people for 2 teams. I am so excited to do this, but, I didn't realized that we have to have a vest for every person, 4 headlamps, and 4 strobe lights, and that we have to provide transportation. I thought the vans were included. So, if we end up with only 1 team then we will be ok since my mom and I both drive Suburbans, but if we get 2 teams we will be looking to borrow a vehicle, renting is expensive. I'm hoping this is so much fun that we can do it every year!

peanut butter on a spoon with dark chocolate chips

2 southwest veggie burgers w/munster cheese, raw onion, and salsa

yogurt with grapes and granola
1 cup coffee black

General health

-little or no back pain (and I was worried because I twinged my back last night at zumba)
-a little sleepy

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12, 2014

First thing this morning I took advantage of my little guy sleeping in and registered for 2 more races! I didn't want to register too early in case I was pregnant, but as right now I'm not so I figure I'm in the clear for running through September at least! The Flower City 1/2 Marathon in Rochester, NY on April 27. We are going to be in Rochester that weekend, so that worked out nicely. Now, to break it to my husband haha! I also put in my registration for the 18.12 Challenge. I ran it last year and it was pretty awesome! It was my first big race, and I finished with a friend whom I met up with on the road during the race, I caught up with her. We definitely pushed each other at the end. Anyway, they cap the race at 812 runners, and although it didn't fill up last year, I was worried that it might and wanted to register soon so I didn't have to worry about it. I've got a nice and easy 4 miles planned for tonight.

adding a little cross training in with zumba tonight, with some of my favorite ladies! I LOVE zumba! I'm ready to do 1000000000 squats and lots of arm circles :) Zumba was great, I had lots of energy. She showed us a new routine she did after class and it's a leg/quad burner for sure, can't wait to do it during class.

General Health
I started off today feeling pretty good, I was worried I'd be really sore, but, I just have some back pain, and a little tightness in my IT bands. I'm glad I foam rolled right after both runs yesterday. I also stretched pretty well last night.

pink lady apple

tortilla chips with melted cheese and salsa
3 musketeers fun sized

quick hummus salad
3 bites of pancake w/syrup and butter (the healthy pancakes!)
1/2 cup coffee

salad with tomato, jalapeno, cheese, black olives, onion and italian dressing, my husband surprised me :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11, 2014

Monthly Miles: 41.77

It was the nicest day of 2014, perfect weather for running!!!

6.25 morning miler
The little baby I babysit was sick today and so I decided to take my little buddy out to try and knock out a longer morning run. It is a beautiful and sunny 40 degrees. Great day to run. The run went really well, but, it took a lot of extra effort and time to push him around. We did 6.25 miles before he really REALLY wanted to stop. I was hoping to get 8-10 miles in because I want to finish off 16 today since it didn't work out Sunday. But, I'm happy with the 6.25, and so very happy about running in the daylight and sunshine! My hamstrings definitely took a beating with the extra weight, but, I made sure to use my foam roller after, and will do so again this afternoon.

9.76 miler
Yay! I managed to get in all 16 miles today! I felt great for the first 6 miles and then started to feel it in my hamstrings and back on the hills especially. Toward the end I did have pain in my right knee, but not the worst. I had to come back home with 2 miles left to threaten my older children with their lives to get them to stay in bed. That was at 9:30 pm, they will be tired today!

1/2 cup black coffee
1 Larabar

3 musketeers fun size
tortilla chips and salsa
(larabar during my run)

quick hummus salad! I could eat this for every meal, it reminds me of summer picnics :)

quick hummus salad

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

3.14 miler
35 degrees! Nice and easy 3 miler, finishing in 31 minutes. Not a PR by far, but, a nice solid run. I randomly had some pain in my right knee at about mile 2.5 that I didn't even notice until I stopped to take a layer off my top. Overall it was a nice run, I ran w/o music and just had a good time.

General Health
-mild back pain, some pain while sitting and while bending and picking things up
-8 hours of sleep with some interruptions

Larabar - apple pie
1 hard boiled egg w/celtic sea salt and cracked black pepper
1 cup veranda coffee - black


organic salsa
organic tortilla chips
roasted red pepper hummus
3 fun sized musketeers bars
1/2 chocolate milk


I made quick hummus salad featured in this month's Runner's World magizine and it was AMAZING!! So yummy, and had all the fuel you need!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9, 2014

Today's 16 mile run:

It was 23 degrees and quite windy. I ran from my house up to the Taylor Road, to the Eel Weir Road, to the McGowan Road where I stopped for a snack and pee break at mom and dad's house. From there I went down the Eel Weir Road, to 812, onto the Moreland Road where I got a call from my husband. Our baby's temperature was rising again and the other two were being a handful, could I please come home and help out? So I called for a ride and went home, 10 miles in (1:44:47). I plan on running the other 6 miles tonight once the little ones are in bed. It was chilly running with the wind on one side, but not too bad. I still had to pull my face mask up most of the time. I wore my knee high smartwool socks, one pair of brooks tights, a tank, my thin shirt with the breathable turtle neck, a long sleeve black thick workout shirt, and a bright colored tech t-shirt on top, I also wore a headband and a basball cap (my in training for the Buffalo Marathon one). I was definitely warm enough, just my face got a little chilly. Mile 3 was my slowest at 11:08 which is probably because I was running into the wind at that point. Average pace was 10:28, which is on the slow side for me, but, I was anticipating a longer run. About mile 6 i started feeling some tighness in my hamstrings and my back started to ache a little, nothing painful enough to stop though.

A couple hours after I've finished, I've had dinner too, my stomach is hurting. Not too badly, I would say almost like I've over eaten, but I certaintly haven't. Not sure what is going on there.

I ended up with a super clingy baby all night (even during the night, he slept right on my chest), so I did not finish my run. I will see how today goes and try and do 16 tonight.

General Health

Today I have moderate lower back pain in my sciatic joint. Picking up heavy things, and especially putting them down, or just reaching down in general hurts quite a bit. I went to the Chiropractor last Monday and it looks like I'll be headed there again this week. I will probably end up taking 2 Alieve before my run today.

A bit congested with a cough. This has been lingering for a week or so.

8 hours of sleep last night, with an interruption at 3am to administer some medicine to our sick little 2 year old, who is now on day 9 of fever :(

Larabar, apple pie
2 hard boiled eggs w/celtic sea salt and cracked black pepper
1 cup black coffee veranda

10 tortilla chips
mixed nuts (peanuts, almonds, pistachios, sea salt, peanut/cottonseed oil
fueled with Larabar on my run
1 serving chocolate milk
1/2 cup black coffee
blue and red sour patch kids... thanks husband for bringing those home :/

large salad (full dinner plate): spinach, red inca quinoa, broccoli, mixed types of tomato, baslamic vinegar dressing.

approx 1 cup of organic whole milk yogurt with grapes, granola, dried cranberries and chia seeds
carrots and roasted red pepper hummus

68 oz water

Garlic - 10mg
Calcium with Vitamin D3 - Calcium 1200 mg, Vitamin D 1600IU
Super Omega 3 - Fish Oil Concentrate 788mg, Total Omerga-3 540mg
Osteo Bi-Flex - Glucosamine HCI 1500mg, Joint Shield 1288 mg
Prenatal - Vitamin A 4000IU, Vitamin C 120mg, Vitamin D 400 IU, Vitamin E 30IU, Thiamin 1.8mg, Riboflavin 1.7mg, Niacin 20mg, Vitamin B6 2.6mg, Folic Acid 800mcg, Vatimin B-12 8mcg, Calcium 200mg, Iron 28mg, Zinc 25 mg.
Vitamin Code Raw B Complex - Thiamin 5mg, Riboflavin 10mg, Niacin 45mg, Vitamin B6 10mg, Folate 450mcg, Vitamin B12 133 mcg, Biotin 325 mcg, Pantothenic Acid 45mg, Inositol 26 mg, Choline 26 mg, PABA 5mg, RAW Probiotic and Enzyme Blend 100mg, RAW Organic Fuit and Vegtable Blend 20mg

Saturday, March 8, 2014

First Post :)

So here I am 11 weeks away from my second marathon, Buffalo Marathon May 25, 2014, and I've finally decided to keep a workout, food, and thoughts journal. My first marathon was on October 20, 2013 and was the Empire State Marathon. I trained really well up until September 1, and then I fell off the wagon hard. I dropped my weekly miles by quite a bit and in the end finished my marathon, slow, embarassingly slow (5:46:51 and 492 out of 522 runners). That means there were only 30 people slower than me... yeah not a good feeling for someone that considers themselves an athlete. But, it was my fault. I didn't keep up my training, my longest run was 18.12 miles and that was 7 weeks before the actual marathon. I also didn't rest enough in the days leading up to the race. So yep, need some improvement there. I plan on being under 5 hours this time. There is no doubt in my mind. My goal is 4:20 but anything under 5 will satisfy me and show great improvement.

This time around I'm following Hal Higdon's advanced marathon training program #1 It is pretty intense and includes speedwork (which I hadn't done before) and more longer runs, hitting 20 a few times.

This is a list of the races I plan on doing this year!

March 15, Hermon 5k
April 27, Rochester 1/2 marathon
May 4, Color Me Rad 5K in Syracuse
May 25, Buffalo Marathon 26.2
June ?, Madrid 1/2 marathon
July 13, Boilermaker 15K
July 19, Canton Mud Run 5 mile
August 31, The 18.12 Challenge 18.12 miles!active-registrtion/c218n
September 21, The CNY Bread Run 1/2 Marathon
September 26 Ragnar Relay
October 4, Freedom's Run Marathon WV

Depending on my level of fitness I have a few more races in mind :)

So a huge goal of mine, that I have yet to manage, has been to hit 100 miles in a month. I'm not sure how it hasn't happened. There were 2 months last year that I was at 97 miles. 97 miles and somehow didn't kick my ass into gear and run 3 more. Then last month I should have easily hit it, but, I got overwhellmed with life, my sore back, and over working out. Yep, excuses, and lame ones at that. I finished last month at 82 miles. This month if I miss ZERO more of my runs I'll hit about 162 miles. And, yes that's a big jump in milage, but, it wouldn't have been had I completed the 130 miles I was supossed to last month. And, I say about because of tempo runs and hills and those I just estimated the distance. It's March 8, and I'm at about 12 miles... yeah not a good start :( Hopefully, by the end of the week I'll have hit 26 miles and be off to a better start. I want to crush that 100 mile marker. And, with warmer weather slowly creeping it, it isn't so painful to suit up and go outside.

So I eat vegetarian and mostly gluten free (yeah I have a splurg here and there). I am working on eating clean and try to do better every day. Hopefully, posting it up here will help keep me honest and on track!!