Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

Yesterday was a beautiful day! It was 43 degrees which felt so warm after this long cold winter. I couldn't wait for my run but when Josh got up he wanted to do some shopping first and made me a deal that if we did that first then I could run as long as I wanted (not that I don't usually get to). He may have regretted that haha! I ran my first 20 miler of the year finishing in 3:36:29 (my map my run time was 3:32:39 but I did pause it when I stopped for a bathroom break and a water refil). Last year I ran the 18.12 Challenge in 3:24:47 so that means I ran about 1 mile further in the same time yesterday, yay for improvement! My 13 mile time yesterday was 3:08:20, lets see how close I can get to 3 hours when I run the Flower City 1/2 Marathon in Rochester this month! I ate 2 larabars and a bag of salted nuts during the run and drank about 30 oz of water. Got home and chugged my chocolate milk and stretched out. My IT band on my left side ached a little in the night, but, I wore compression sleeves to bed so my calves were good. My feet were cramping up for a bit after but were fine in the night. And I'm only a tad bit sore today on my left side (knee and IT band). I'd call that a pretty good run and recovery! This week is a drop back week with a 12 mile run on the menu for the long run day.

weekly miles: 20
monthly miles: 44.47
2014 miles: 248.25

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