Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20, 2014

Eek, totally have forgotten about the blog! Last sunday I ran a long horrible 13 miles, it took forever. My IT band hurt SO BAD. So I ran my recovery 4 miles on Monday and it was also very painful. Therefore, I decided to take 3 days off for rest. Friday I did a double run, I ran 5 miles and did 7 hills at the end. Phew I was dead after that haha! My IT band still bothered me. Last night I ran 10 miles on pace and only had a little bit of pain from my IT band. I'm hoping all the stretching is starting to pay off. I'm getting nervous about attempting 20 miles today and then my marathon just because of this IT band problem. It will be long and painful if I can't get past it :(

this weeks miles: 35.53
April miles: 109.15
2014 miles: 312.94

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