Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23, 2014

So last night I was all snuggled in bed at 10pm when Kristine text me about what a nice night it is for a run, the weather is perfect, it's not raining anymore blah blah blah. So of course I have to get out of bed and run 5 miles haha! It was definitely a recovery run, slow, and a bit painful. It was a beautiful night, perfect for running. I did see TONS of worms and TONS of dead frogs, a few live ones too. And, of course living right on the river there was definitely that fishy after it rains smell going on. But, I'm glad I got out of bed and did it :)

So I weighed myself this morning... 150, opps... I've gained 7 lbs, not good. Apparently, eating mostly healthy but also constantly isn't working out for me. So I'm back to tracking all my calories and making sure every bite is clean. A year ago I was in the 170s, so I'm not brokenhearted, but I'm definitely not happy. So now I'm back up to 15 lbs to hit my goal weight. I definitely want to get these 7 extra off before my marathon, ever pound gone makes it that much easier to run.

weekly miles:29.14
April miles: 138.29
2014 miles: 342.07

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