Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20 - Boilermaker - Vacation - Seaway Festival 4 Miler

This will be quite the update!


July 13, 2014 I ran the Boilermaker road race in Utica, NY for the second time. This race is so much fun, 14,000 people run it and the energy is through the roof. I got to the race really REALLY early which allowed me to get a really close parking space to the front of the race, maybe a block away. Once I got there, I picked up my packet and then got back in my car and ate and read and waited. I bumped into Alan and Mary Kelly and stood and talked with them for a little while, and then Kristine and Tom found all of us. I waited with Kristine until the gun went off and away we went. The course is easy (IMO) there are really only 2 hills, but, I love running hills (I love pushing up hill and then just letting gravity take me down the hill as fast as my legs can go). My brain however, felt a bit foggy and I was so hungy. I'm thinking I was a bit low on sugar because at one point I felt very dizzy and started looking for sugar treats from spectators and finally managed to snag a frozen pop. I finished in 1:30 (30 minutes faster than last year) and I am a little dissapointed because I know I could have ran 10 minutes faster, but, I just was too dizzy :( I ate lots of good food and picked up my pint glass then hopped a bus back to my car and hit the road for vacation.

Pretty soon I'll have a whole collection of race glasses :)


I'm proud to say that I ran every single day of vacation. I woke up early and ran 3 miles every day (one day 4) and it was so nice to run near the ocean.

Seaway Festival 4 miler

So this morning I woke up early (5am - I'm thinking this should become a habit) and ran 5 miles. It took me over 50 minutes. I was dragging and just felt tired. Maybe I need to drink coffee before I head out. Well, I got home and thought about the local race I told Josh I was thinking about doing and decided to skip it. My morning run had sucked so whatever. But, then I felt really good and relaxed and decided to do it. I got to the race and saw that there were some really serious runners there, a few I knew, most I could tell were serious just because they were warming up. I ran my little heart out as fast as I could while keeping my breathing regular and finished in 33:03 which is about 8:15 minutes a mile :) Yay me! (That would be running a 24:45 5k which is right at my PR time). So it's good to know my fitness level has started to return since my miscarriage. I still came in 29 place overall, it's hard to believe there were that many people there faster than me considering there were about 50 runners total. It was definitely fun though, and I'm proud of myself for doing it even when I thought it might suck.

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