Monday, May 26, 2014

May 25, 2014 - Buffalo Marathon

Ok, so running in the puke trimester may not have been the best plan. Sadly, I felt like crap the whole run, I was holding back puke the whole time. It was horrible lol. I say LOL because I did it, it's over, and it's kinda funny that after all that training it sucked so bad right from mile 1. I've posted that my runs have been hit or miss lately, well this was a big miss! I came in with a gun time of 4:57:24, chip time of 4:54:58, so 30 minutes longer than I was trying for. I stayed just ahead of the 4:20 pacer until mile 7ish when I had to stop and pee and had to wait in line and saw the 4:20 pacer go by, and then the 4:30 pacer go by... ugh. Right from the begining I had to play catch up too because I could not get any closer to the 4:20 pacer and actually started behind the 4:30 pacer. Around mile 14 I told Josh to come get me, and he said he would but I decided to keep going. I didn't want to have spent all the money to go to Buffalo and to stay in a hotel and pay for the race, only to quit and not even be able to say I did it. But, it's done now... thank goodness haha! So I completed my 2nd marathon and improved my chip time from 5:46:51 to 4:54:58 which is about 52 minutes. The first was last October which was 7 months ago, so that's actually a pretty good improvement. Bah, I'm still really dissapointed.

May miles: 75.93
2014 miles: 436.59

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