Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18, 2014

My new running shirt came :) I might have to break it out for the Buffalo Marathon next weekend. I'm definitely getting nervous for the race because how I feel while running has been very hit or miss the last 2 weeks. Yesterday I felt fantastic, no problems, other days I feel horrible and end up walking a lot because of round ligament pain. Ugh! I'm just going to cross my fingers that everything goes well Sunday.

8 mile run this morning, felt great. I am a little sore afterwards. I need to stretch better and more often!!

And, it finally happened. Word got out about the new bambino, and today someone made a comment about my running and the baby, how it isn't a good idea, and how I need to care for the baby first. I knew this would happen, but, I'm still annoyed. This isn't my first bambino, and I've already made sure to listen to my body and go hard and fast when I feel great, and take lots of walks and go slow when I don't. It might be a long 7 more months if these comments keep up :(

May miles 43:53
2014 miles 404.29 (only 100 less than 2013 and it's only May :) Looks like I should hit that 1000 mile goal!)


  1. I read books and primary literature and their consensus was that as long as the female didn't allow her body temperature to rise (avoiding really hot weather pretty much made that not a problem) and she remained very well hydrated there was absolutely NO danger to the baby. In fact babies have a much stronger placenta. (the only "negative" was that people that were very active early on and then became couch potatoes later in pregnancy ended up with larger babies because their placentas were very active and their baby got too many nutrients b/c mom had slacked off... lol) People mean well, but they just have no clue what they are talking about. I think it's actually more dangerous for woman to have jobs where they stand on their feet without moving around much (like in retail), than to exercise vigorously while pregnant.

  2. Note to self: Do not slack off, I already had one 10 pounder lol.
