Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 27, 2014

Did a nice little 5 mile recovery run last night. Took close to an hour to finish, but, it helped loosen everything back up. My hamstrings are pretty tight and I have one weird/sore glute muscle on the left side. Otherwise I'm feeling good! Didn't get to run today because the man was fixing the lawn mower and then mowing and I didn't feel like staying up late to get some miles in.

May miles: 81.05
2014 miles: 441.71 (in 120 miles I'll have beaten last years miles in half the time! - Hopefully I'll hit that by the end of June)

Monday, May 26, 2014

May 25, 2014 - Buffalo Marathon

Ok, so running in the puke trimester may not have been the best plan. Sadly, I felt like crap the whole run, I was holding back puke the whole time. It was horrible lol. I say LOL because I did it, it's over, and it's kinda funny that after all that training it sucked so bad right from mile 1. I've posted that my runs have been hit or miss lately, well this was a big miss! I came in with a gun time of 4:57:24, chip time of 4:54:58, so 30 minutes longer than I was trying for. I stayed just ahead of the 4:20 pacer until mile 7ish when I had to stop and pee and had to wait in line and saw the 4:20 pacer go by, and then the 4:30 pacer go by... ugh. Right from the begining I had to play catch up too because I could not get any closer to the 4:20 pacer and actually started behind the 4:30 pacer. Around mile 14 I told Josh to come get me, and he said he would but I decided to keep going. I didn't want to have spent all the money to go to Buffalo and to stay in a hotel and pay for the race, only to quit and not even be able to say I did it. But, it's done now... thank goodness haha! So I completed my 2nd marathon and improved my chip time from 5:46:51 to 4:54:58 which is about 52 minutes. The first was last October which was 7 months ago, so that's actually a pretty good improvement. Bah, I'm still really dissapointed.

May miles: 75.93
2014 miles: 436.59

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014

Tapering.... I'm definitely getting nervous. My time goal for Sunday is under 4:20!!

And we announce our pregnancy today, here is the annoucement!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18, 2014

My new running shirt came :) I might have to break it out for the Buffalo Marathon next weekend. I'm definitely getting nervous for the race because how I feel while running has been very hit or miss the last 2 weeks. Yesterday I felt fantastic, no problems, other days I feel horrible and end up walking a lot because of round ligament pain. Ugh! I'm just going to cross my fingers that everything goes well Sunday.

8 mile run this morning, felt great. I am a little sore afterwards. I need to stretch better and more often!!

And, it finally happened. Word got out about the new bambino, and today someone made a comment about my running and the baby, how it isn't a good idea, and how I need to care for the baby first. I knew this would happen, but, I'm still annoyed. This isn't my first bambino, and I've already made sure to listen to my body and go hard and fast when I feel great, and take lots of walks and go slow when I don't. It might be a long 7 more months if these comments keep up :(

May miles 43:53
2014 miles 404.29 (only 100 less than 2013 and it's only May :) Looks like I should hit that 1000 mile goal!)

May 18, 2014

Baby and I won our first race yesterday! It was a local 5k with about 40 people walking/running called Free the Girls 5k. You could run in a bra and then donate it to women in 3rd world countries who would then fix them up and sell them. Here is a little bit about the race from the Zonta Club website:

WHY BRAS? Women we work with were sold into prostitution, often as children. Bras provide the following:
Second-hand clothing is a profitable market in many countries around the world. Bras are usually sought after items. Some of the girls in our program are making 3-5x the minimum wage in their community by selling bras!
Bras provide an opportunity for these women to work with other women, since they have a history of being abused and used by men.
Most of the women we work with were sold into prostitution as children, only 8-10 years old. Because their lives were stolen from them, they missed out on going to school and getting an education. Selling bras allows them to work as much or as little as their school schedule permits.
Once a program has been started with a safe house, it is designed to sustain itself. The women in our program receive their starting inventory as a donation, and are then able to buy additional inventory from Free The Girls for below wholesale value to help maintain their competitive edge in the marketplace. Revenue from inventory sales helps subsidize overseas program costs.

Anyway, the weather was great, if a little windy, and I PR'd at about 24:45, for my 1st ever race win! So that's about 8 minute miles, not super fast, but finally getting faster! (Obviously non of the fast folks showed up to race, it seems like there is always someone who finishes with a sub 20 time.) Regardless, I'm super proud of myself and the little bambino! Here are a couple of pics of my awesome outfit.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 2014

Ran 5 miles last night, nice and slow. I did get some side stiches going on :( I'm guess it's just from taking time off and from not being hydrated enough the day before. I have 8 miles on the to do list for today. It's crunch time, less than 3 weeks left until the Buffalo Marathon. Eek!

I've also made an executive decision and decided that after this I will be sticking to half marathon distances for the duration of my pregnancy. I know lots of women keep it up and run marathons while pregnant, and I want to stay in shape, but I don't want to go overboard and have to worry about too much stress, not being hydrated, being alone on the road for 4+ hours in the middle of nowhere. So yep, that is that. And, I just ordered a "Running for two" shirt!!

May miles: 8.1
2014 miles: 368.77

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014

I had a great time at the Color Me Rad run! It was such a fun day!!! We left bright and early and shortly after arriving Nikki got up on stage to do a zumba warm up for the crowd. She asked Terri, Jordan and I to go up, and it was so much fun!!! The run was great, I ran it with Jordan and then lost her in the rush at the end. Actually, I lost everyone hahaha I didn't see them again until Kristine text me asking where I was. I had found my family and was hanging out with them. I was covered in color, even in my ears lol. I would definitely do this again, especially with a group of friends. And, now I'm going to bombard you with pictures!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 3, 2014

I haven't ran since Monday, because I've been under the weather with a pretty bad head cold and just feeling run down and tired. I don't think it's baby related at this point (5 weeks!), but, I'm sure that isn't helping! Hoping to do 4 miles tonight once the kids go to bed. But, if I don't, I am doing my first color run tomorrow morning. A bunch of us from zumba are running for a charity called Lucky Fins Project, which is a charity for kiddos born with a limb differnce as a mama that goes to zumba has a LO born w/a limb differnce. It should be lots of fun :)