Saturday, August 19, 2017

August 19, 2017

I did a 5k walk this morning with the kids at the Lisbon Homecoming.  I think it was a little bit too far for Kellen and Trent, they were pretty slow at the end, but we did it!

Friday, August 18, 2017

August 18, 2017

Aug 17 - 5 miles

Aug 18 - 1 mile
     8 minute AMRAP
          5 hang cleans 95lbs
          25 double unders
     *then* 8 minute AMRAP
          10 deadlifts 95lbs
         10 box jumps
*finished - 6 rounds each @75lbs,  my back has been so messed up since Cian was born I didn't want to go higher especially on the deads.  It's so hard to push yourself when you are working out alone :( I miss my workout bff*

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Work work work work....

 July 31 - 4 miles
August 2 - 8.53 miles
August 5 - 3.59 miles
August 6 - 20 Min AMRAP 65# all - 7 cleans, 7 push press, 7 back squats, 200m run (I ran my driveway twice in a circle which was 700ft so a little longer than 200m), I did 5 full rounds, not super quick but I'll take it!