Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29, Empire State 1/2 Marathon and Fall Fun Team Marathon

October 19 was the Empire State 1/2 Marathon. I had wanted to do another serious race and I have been wanting to PR my 1/2 marathon time and so I signed up to run this just days before the race. We made an appointment to get our ipad fixed on saturday (cracked screen not from an impact, and we ended up with a brand new ipad for free!), so I woke up that day and went and did cross fit with Nicole and Craig Thornhill and then did a little zumba before heading home, late oppsie, to shower and change. I was definitely rushed out the door. We went straight to the mall to get the ipad fixed and Josh ran in while the kids and I waited in the car (I am not interested in taking 3 kids into that huge and busy mall). During that time I realized that I had forgot about 1/2 the stuff I wanted to bring for the race... yeah not cool. So after we left the mall we went to the race expo and I got my goodie bag and shirt and bought new arm sleeves, arm band, headphones, jelly beans, and spibelt. Yep, there goes all my money :( We stayed the night at my mother-in-law's who lives just a few minutes from this race. For once, I actually got a full nights sleep, going to bed at 10 and waking at 6:15. I got dressed and left for the race stopping for coffee, a bagel and a water on the way. It was cold and rainy! YUCK!! Once I got there and wandered around a bit I saw there was a vendor selling winter hats, so a grabbed one for $15. It's actually a really nice hat too, thankfully.

So I never finished this and never posted it and forgot a lot of the details lol. But, what I basically remember is that it was cold. I ran my little heart out trying to pace myself fast, but yet the first mile, for once, was my slowest. I held up my time for the duration of the race finishing in 1:59:05, keeping my net pace at 9:06 BUT according to map my run app all my miles were under 9 minutes with the exception of my first mile at 9:10. Still, I'm so happy I squeaked by getting my goal of finishing in under 2 hours :)

I bumped into a couple of women I graduated with too, and watched them finish their first 1/2 marathon! They did an awesome job and it's always great to see people you know getting out there and having fun and being able to cheer them on.

I don't really remember much else, I guess I should have finished posting this in October instead of the end of December hahahaha!

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