Sunday, July 19, 2015

Streak day 73 Woot woot! Only 292 days to hit a year lol, no big deal.  I ran the boilermaker and it was rough, I felt horrible.  I hadn't been training any distance longer than 3 miles and I didn't eat enough, and it was the dreaded day one of my cycle (yeah TMI sorry but for women it is the worst day to work out, you have zero energy). Regardless, I finished in 1:31:30 I think? A minute slower than last year dammit haha!  That was my third Boilermaker yay!  Next up the 18.12 Challenge for the third time.  time to start training for real.

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Sooooo yep I haven't written in a really long time, obviously. I went through a slump in the late winter/early spring where I was still working out all the time, but, not running. So in May I started streaking, running at least a mile every day. It's been 66 days now as of the run I just finished, and I haven't counted the days until today because I just didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I haven't ran more than 6 miles at a time, and that was only once. Most days it's 3 miles or less, there have been a lot of 1 miler days. But, at least I'm running, right?

Streak - 66
2015 miles - 250.90